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Health Concerns

Defensive Driving Tips for the Texting Era

The other day, I was driving along a semi-busy road when I noticed that the driver of an oncoming SUV was clearly texting away on her cell phone. I instinctively hovered my right foot over the brake and did the same with my right hand over the horn, ready to swerve and honk if needed. Read more


Natural Treatment Plan For Jaw Pain

During my first few years of private practice, for most cases of jaw pain and dysfunction, I applied a carefully executed manual adjustment to the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ), also known as the jaw joint, found in front of each ear. This is the protocol that I learned as an intern from a supervising clinician. Read more


Why Chewing Gum Isn't Great for Your Health

If you chew gum on a regular basis, please consider the following:

  1. Chewing gum causes unnecessary wear and tear of the cartilage that acts as a shock absorber in your jaw joints. Once damaged, this area can produce pain and discomfort for a lifetime.

  2. You use eight different facial muscles to chew. Unnecessary chewing can create chronic tightness in two of these muscles, located close to your temples. This can put pressure on the nerves that supply this area of your head, which can lead to chronic, intermittent headaches.


Blood Circulation is Everything

Good health requires, above all else, strong and steady blood flow through clear blood vessels.

Healthy blood circulation delivers fresh nutrients to your cells, and prevents accumulation of waste materials within your cells. Both of these actions are equally necessary for healthy cells. Read more


How To Make Dairy and Gluten-Free Macaroni and Cheese

As mentioned in my post on The Best Way To Get And Stay Healthy, if you are looking to overcome any chronic health challenge, one of the best first steps that you can take is to avoid conventional dairy and grains that contain gluten. To put it simply, pasteurized and homogenized dairy and gluten are common triggers for inflammation throughout the body.

I realize that for some, it can be quite daunting to imagine a diet that doesn't include cheese and pasta. Which is why I thought it would be a good idea to share dairy and gluten-free options for macaroni and cheese. Read more


How to Prevent a Sore Throat from Progressing to a Cold

Before I share a great little tip on how to stop a sore throat from progressing into a week-long cold, please know that periodically experiencing a cold or the flu can actually be helpful to your health. If you have no idea why this is, please view the following popular article that I wrote on this topic:

What Most Doctors Won't Tell You About Colds and Flus

You just won't get this information on why colds and flus can help you stay healthy over the long run from medical textbooks and mainstream media - please consider sharing it with family and friends. Read more


Greetings from Cosolapa, Oaxaca, Mexico

September 4, 2010


Well, here I am again at the cybercafe, to report that I am indeed enjoying this ancient but new-to-me and certainly no longer "pure" way of life in rural and small-town Mexico (which has been contaminated significantly by capitalism in all its worst aspects). Read more


Health Tips for Busy People

I was once asked to do an interview with a focus on what overworked and overstressed people could do to stay healthy. After giving it some thought, I decided not to do the interview because I didn't want to send the message that people can experience their best health by following a few tips on diet and lifestyle without regularly ensuring adequate physical and emotional rest. Read more


What To Do For A Bee Sting

Over the weekend, I was at a park with our boys when I felt a colossal wave of pain hit one of the toes of my right foot. After scrambling to get my sandal off, I looked inside to find a bee that was curled up and unable to move.

Fortunately, I knew not to try to pluck the bee's stinger out with my fingers, and ended up feeling fine within a couple of hours. Read more


Home Schooling vs. Public or Private Schooling

Over the last couple of years, Margaret and I have thought long and hard about the merits of home schooling vs. sending our children to public or private school.

It feels like we've been to the circus and back about a dozen times with this decision, and though we're leaning towards home-based learning for our boys, we continue to have moments of uncertainty. Read more




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