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Core Strength

Try This For Chronic Back Pain and Stiffness

If you have chronic or recurrent back pain and stiffness, it may be that shortened hamstrings are creating a constant downward pull on your pelvis which could be causing compensatory biomechanics within your lumber and thoracic spinal regions, manifesting as pain and/or stiffness. Read more


Kick-Through Core Exercise

This is an intermediate to advanced conditioning exercise for the core.

Begin on all fours, pivot on one arm, and kick the same side leg through to the other side while keeping your core contracted. You can bring your opposite side arm up with each kick-through to help you maintain balance and also to help you keep your core engaged. Read more


3 Fundamental Exercises for Functional Core Strength

To develop core strength via forearm plank pose, press your elbows strongly into the ground to keep your shoulder blades separated (protracted), keep your head neutral (not extended up), and try to maintain a straight line through your shoulders, hips, and ankles. Read more


How To Develop More Useful Strength

When doing strength work, it’s ideal to combine upper and lower body movements, which fosters better overall body awareness and neural activation.

Virtually all non-sedentary activities of daily living and sports require integrated activation of the upper body, core, and lower body. Read more


Another Way To Improve Insulin Sensitivity

As a followup to a previous post on How to Improve Insulin Sensitivity, Blood Sugar Regulation, and Body Composition, this is an option for those who may be limited in their ability to do bodyweight squats. Read more


Standing Push-ups Using Gym Rings for Upper Body Mobility and Core Strength

If doing full body weight dips or push-ups close to the ground aren't possible for your current circumstances but you are still curious about using gym rings to improve your upper body and core strength, you can do modified push-ups on your rings as you are leaning slightly forward. Read more


Push-Up Progressions Using Gymnastics Rings

Doing push-ups with gymnastics rings is a challenging way to improve upper body strength while simultaneously improve core strength and balance.

Begin in a modified push-up position with your knees on the ground and your hands on gym rings.

At the top of the push-up position, with your arms straight, elbows locked, supinate your forearms, then allow your forearms to return to a natural position and lower yourself down to do a push-up. Read more


Doing Shadow Work in Water to Improve Technique and Strength of Movement Patterns

If you take your body through specific movement patterns on a regular basis and can benefit from improving strength and technique of said patterns, you might consider doing some training while partially submerged in water.

The resistance that water provides allows for functional strength-building, and also encourages focus on quality of movement that invariably requires involvement of your core. Read more


Posterior and Anterior Pelvic Tilt for Improved Core Strength

Learning to hold the pelvis and lower back in posterior and anterior pelvic tilt positions is highly beneficial to improving core strength.

You can hold posterior and anterior pelvic tilt positions while lying prone, while on all fours, and while in plank position. Read more


Seated Pike Pulses for Hip Flexor and Core Strength

Excellent for developing hip flexor strength, seated pike pulses are done while seated, legs together and straight out in front on the ground, toes pointed, hands on either side of of the ground beside your legs for support, and then lifting your feet off the ground and pulsing up and down to whatever degree you can. Read more




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