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Health Concerns

How to Pick Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

If you want your grocery dollars to consistently bring home the most nutritious fruits and vegetables that your local market has to offer, you have to know when different fruits and vegetables are in season and what to look for in appearance and texture.

In this article, the peak in-season range for different fruits and vegetables is relevant to all of Canada, most of the upper half of the United States, and pretty much all other countries that lie within the same latitudinal range, give or take a few degrees. Read more


Canada's Seal Hunt: The Largest Slaughter of Marine Mammals in the World

A few of our readers recently brought to my attention the annual mass slaughter of young seals, many of them babies, near Newfoundland, Canada.

Please take a few minutes to watch the following video on this disturbing practice.

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7 Keys To Overcoming Autoimmune Illness

Are you looking for effective and concise guidance on how to overcome autoimmune illness?

If so, I hope that my comprehensive and interactive program on overcoming autoimmune illness will give you all of the knowledge and support that you need to turn your health around. Read more


Latest Pesticide Analysis of Common Fruits and Vegetables

In late 2006, the Environmental Working Group released their latest report on the average pesticide content of common fruits and vegetables.

Many different studies that have been done with animals have found that exposure to pesticides can increase the risk of developing various types of cancer, nervous system dysfunction, and reproductive problems. Read more


Ten Most Dangerous Drugs

According to a study published this month in The Lancet, alcohol and tobacco rank among the ten most dangerous substances used by humans. Both alcohol and tobacco have been assessed to be more dangerous than illegal drugs like marijuana or ecstasy.

The following three factors were considered in ranking the harmfulness of each drug that was evaluated: Read more


The Under-publicized Risks Of Caesarean Sections

About ten years ago, I devoted several months of my evening hours researching the ins and outs of C-section deliveries. I was stunned to discover that in some cases, C-section deliveries are encouraged because they are more profitable and convenient for doctors to perform, even though C-sections are clearly more dangerous than natural vaginal deliveries that take place in a supportive environment. Read more


Burns: How to Treat Burns

You can get burned by a number of different sources, the most common of which are hot liquids, hot objects, chemicals, steam, electricity, the sun, and fire.

For diagnostic and treatment purposes, burns are generally categorized into the following three classifications:

First-degree burns Read more


How To Prevent The Formation Of Problematic Kidney Stones

The single most painful condition that I have ever addressed as a health care provider is the acute pain associated with passing a sizeable kidney stone. More than a few women who I have treated over the years have said that passing a large kidney stone is much more painful than giving birth.

What's particularly scary about passing a kidney stone is that in most cases, there are no warning signs. One minute you are going about your normal business, and then all of a sudden, you begin to have waves of unimaginable pain on one side of your lower back. Read more


Living Close To Traffic Pollution Can Affect Lung Development

A newly published study in the The Lancet indicates that living close to freeway traffic can negatively impact lung development in children.

Children's lungs tend to grow rapidly between the ages of 10 and 18, and this most recent study concludes that steady exposure to airborne pollutants during this age range can lead to short and long term respiratory challenges. Read more


Being Bilingual Can Delay Dementia

Researchers in Canada have found that speaking two languages over the course of one's life can help to delay the onset of dementia by approximately four years.

Dementia is defined as a progressive decline in brain function due to damage in the brain beyond what might be expected with normal aging. The most common symptoms of dementia are: Read more




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