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What Elevates Your Spirit?

Update on December 26, 2015: Thank you so much to all who contributed to the comments section below. This giveaway is now complete. Theresa Bravata, Paige Dunlap, Bruce Pollard, Louise Sims, and Stacy Perrou - please send us your shipping address so that we can send you a bottle of our Organic Whole Food Multi in Vegetable Capsules. You can use our contact form here: Contact Us @

Over the past fortnight, we've been holding a giveaway every few days at our Facebook page to celebrate Christmas and the holiday season. At the request of some of our readers who don't use Facebook, we're shifting our remaining giveaways to our blog.

This next one is for our Organic Whole Food Multi in Vegetable Capsules. This has become one of the most popular formulas in our catalogue, as it combines the best of our greens, natural vitamin C, Homocysteine Care, and vitamin D formulas. We have earmarked 5 of these for our Christmas giveaway.

To enter, in the comments section below - found in the Article Tools box - please share one specific thing that you do to elevate your spirit. Anything that makes you feel fulfilled, inspired, free, mirthful or simply at peace. Perhaps it's a specific place that you visit, a passage from a book, an act of kindness, or time spent with a family member or friend.

I'll share mine to get this started. I typically go to bed an hour after tucking in our boys, and almost without fail, the best part of my day is watching their sleeping forms just before turning out their night lights. No matter how challenging or exhausting my day has been, taking some time to soak in their innocence and consider my incredible privilege to be their father always nourishes my soul.

I look forward to the contributions that come in over the next few days. Please note that our comments section is moderated, so it may take a few hours to a day for your entry to appear in the comments section after you submit it.

Good luck, and may your days ahead be filled with fulfillment, inspiration, freedom, mirth, and peace.

Ben Kim

P.S. The 5 randomly chosen recipients will be announced in the comments section by Friday December 25th.


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My meditation with tea in the early morning elevates my spirit for the whole day!

I work at a college and during exam week they bring in dogs/puppies midway through the week. The joy and unconditional love they bring lifts any mood and brings me right to the present moment.

In the mornings, after I spend time reading the Bible and talking with God I don't feel rushed or stressed as I look forward to tasks that I need to accomplish that day. God is my HOPE, because of Him I have peace.

My husband and I have a beer (each) every day with our lunch. It is real beer--no fructose, no additives, no headache, no ads--just a beer. And boy, does it lift my spirit. After drinking down that golden elixir, I can get through the day.

P.S. Hard to find good quality Canadian health websites. Your's has made my recent cull.

I am inspired each morning as I practice Tai Chi and feel the free flow of spirit moving through me and out into the universe, as a blessing to whoever welcomes it into their lives! This practice grounds me in the moment and enlivens me in being present to what is mine to do as a contribution that day. I am grateful!

I give my 92 year old mom a foot bath and foot massage. Just seeing the relief from pain she experiences makes my day.

I give my 92 year old mom a foot bath and foot massage. Just seeing the relief from pain she experiences makes my day.

I work with small children generally 4 & 5 year olds at the pre school 2 1/2 hrs a day the joy they give me is beyond words. I also volunteer for a cat rescue and make blankets for when they are adopted it is nice to know they are going to their forever home with a piece of us who care for them.

Being with my granddaughters, sitting under our big Mr. Tree, watching fluffy white clouds in the azure blue sky pass by.

Every day my husband comes home from work he greets me with a warm hug, which always lifts my spirit... even after 24 years!

Each day, I journal my intentions and I meditate on those intentions. I write about mastering any task I am a part of, and give love and energy to those around me who resist love and joy in order to uplift the world around me. Bringing love and joy through meditation to those around me is what elevates my spirit and keeps me focused on my goals!

Spending time with my grandchildren -- getting down on the floor with them, dancing, singing, reading -- whatever they want to do!

I sit and meditate.

I walk my dogs to lift my spirits.

One thing that elevates my spirit is when I am rocking my grandson to sleep and holding him close to me. Another time I feel at peace is when I walk my dog on Sunday mornings when no one else is around and take in nature and its quietness. Also, prayer makes me feel peaceful.

Two things that lift my spirit, the first is my yoga practice which is at most times each day. The second is using my sauna while I meditate.

I go to gym and work out real hard to get rid of my blues and come home and take a shower to refresh myself.

Getting rid of clutter elevates my spirit.

I read scripture while stretching in the morning or evening.

To elevate my spirit I find a trail in nature to go for a run. Even if I am tired I focus on my form - light feet, slightly engaged core, relaxed shoulders, straight arm swings - and breathe and before long I feel into a rhythm that carries me along. If I am too tired then I simply run for as long as feels right and then walk, alternating between these two, but always focusing on form and breathe. This focus and repetition of movement helps me to slow my thoughts, gain perspective on life, and feel connected or rooted into a sense of place and community larger than myself. The rhythm is similar to that which is attained in other forms of breath and movement but the nature - be it trees, birds, ocean waves, or mountains - have a soothing effect, in addition to the outside air, sky, and light. Hope other people can gain insight from this as to how trail running can help them feel soothed and lifted as well :) Thank you Dr.Ben Kim for all the insight and knowledge you share! Keep it up! Much appreciated!

When things get me down, I also look at how beautiful and innocent my grandson is; I could watch him all day as he discovers the world and learns how to communicate with us.

Every single morning I wake my children by going into their room,looking at their beautiful & peaceful little faces, whisper in their ears how important, valued, appreciated, and how absolutely loved they are. Then I gently wake them with tiny kisses on their cheeks and foreheads. I'm almost always greeted back with sleepy hugs and giggles. Best part of my every day :) <3

The Word of God gives me peace through the hope of Jesus Christ. God's promises in scripture are balm to my heart and soul. I read them and meditate on them and my spirit is strengthened

Ps. 119:67-"Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your word."
Balm for sure!

Hi, the best way to elevate my spirit is to spend time with God our creator who is faithful & merciful & mindful of all our prayers.

I visit my grandmother's grave. It's at a cemetery where there are no tombstones, just plaques and it's atop a hill overlooking the countryside with the ocean in view. It's so peaceful with the birds and the grass and flowers. I know she's not living but one day I will see her and my mom again in similar peaceful settings and I meditate on that.

My husband and I have grown old together and the best part of our day is sitting together by our campfire in the gazebo, watching the flames and just sharing and being together. This brings us closer and insures our love for each other.

Spending time with my grown children. Playing games and laughing for hours.

I like to remind myself several times a day to be grateful for all that I have. It brings me back to a place of serenity for me. Standing in line waiting is a good example. It makes the time go faster and I actually smile at people that I would most likely have a resentment against if I were not feeling grateful. Life is too short. Merry Christmas to all.

Glenn Miller

When I am feeling stressed or just out of sorts I groom my dogs. As I am grooming them I lose myself, my heart/soul carries me off to places of untold beauty. I am joyous n peaceful beyond words. My dogs respond, they must feel it also, they r as in love with life as I am in that moment. Their eyes say so. This time with them is my communion with everything. I love my time with them. Hope this may inspire others to find their time as well. Thanks, Lou

I walk in the woods for inspiration.

Music is a major source of joy in my life. Both listening and creating bring me great pleasure, relaxation, and inspiration. May music bring the same to you!

What elevates my spirit began on 12-12-12. It was my birthday and I wanted to celebrate the special date. Being single, I knew I would have to make my own fun. After much thought, I booked our local trolley and took 30+ friends to local senior homes, rehabilitation centers, etc. to Christmas carol. We always have warm stories to share. I have a client, who owns a restaurant,and afterwards we go there for dinner. He always has his baker make me a gorgeous Italian cake. This year we sang to the staff a popular Italian Christmas carol we learned just for the occasion. This has become a yearly tradition and certainly brings the Christmas Spirit to our spirit!

Living in a mentally and healthy way I do bits of yoga and somatic exercises daily to ease my arthritis. I also listen to music to relax my stress and alleviate pain.I also sing along and that lifts my spirits emensely!

I live in southern California so we don't get snow so when I need uplifting and enlightening I go the the beach and walk a little or just stay in the car and look out to the waves in the winter the waves are big and foamy it's
my snow ⛄ and I make a list of what I have to be grateful for it worked for me.

Same here on east coast beaches... ocean is natural church!

Acts of kindness help me feel fulfilled, inspired and joyful. I find peace in nature. I need to walk on a beach to clear my mind and also to get perspective and clarity on decisions.

Many days I come home from teaching third grade feeling overwhelmed. I find myself thinking about tomorrow and all the things I have to do. Then I remind myself the only time I have is now. I look around and begin to name the blessings that surround me. Tomorrow is a thief of today. I relax and begin to live in the minute I find myself in.

Sometimes I sing songs about Jesus. And at other times I listen to songs about Him.

Simply receiving a loving touch goes a long way. Just a hug, a touch on the shoulder can lift my spirits. The power if human connection.
I also lift my spirits taking a midnight candle lit bath outside, under the stars. Magic.

Well i love to meditate alone or even close my eyes around others and just go within the room of my soul and just listen. Meanwhile i adjust my chakras and clear my aura. I'm also in love with a wonderful man that keeps me happy & smiling daily. I'm so happy to share with you all.

I grew up in a more rural area and going to a family farm in the mountains of NH regularly. As an adult I have lived in more suburban areas with a whole lot less green space. For me getting away to a place where I can sit and be still in nature is very refreshing, away from all the noise and buildings. We moved to a rental house that has a nice big back yard where we can't see the neighbors houses through the hedges and I bought a rocking chair to sit on the back deck and listen to the birds, chipmunks, wind and other sounds of nature. Sometimes I just need that kind of quiet.

Hi, Dr. Kim. One thing I do to elevate my spirit is read. I like to read anything, from travel ads to short stories, poetry, or novels. But I like to find humorous anecdotes and characters that take me to other places and help me forget whatever is bothering me if I'm not feeling my usual self. One favorite humorist is Dave Barry, who seemingly never fails to find the funny quirks in the ordinary situations of life.

Thank you.

I agree that watching our children sleep brings a very special, peaceful feeling, but once the children are adults and living their own lives, I find that sunshine and nature can bring me peace and lift my spirits.

Giving to others whether it be my time, or lending an ear or shoulder, or giving an item to someone who will appreciate it. As I've gotten older, I've learned that helping someone else has the side benefit of making me feel fulfilled. So, it's a win-win all around.

I like to do things for people. That always makes me feel better. I am a henna artist, so I often do that for someone. No matter how they feel that day or about that particular part of their body, after getting henna it brings a smile to their face and they find beauty.

While hosting my family Christmas party, my nephews, who are brothers, each brought their boy of 3 years old...Evan and Owen, born a few months apart. Evan was waiting for Owen and when he showed, he exclaimed "you came" and they embraced with huge smiles. I still see that pure love and think of how it reminds me of the happiness family brings and the togetherness of holidays.

Marcel Proust comment about wisdom being acquired by the individual interacting with his environment focuses on the individual. I have found a much more enduring source of wisdom. it is God's letter to mankind. we know it as the Bible. allow me to quote from Proverbs chapter 2 verse 1 through 6. it says quote my sonmarcellus produced I meant about wisdom thing inquired by the individual interacting with environment focus is on individual. I have found I'm much more in doing source of wisdom. It is god's letter to mankind. We know it as the Bible. Allow me to quote from Proverbs chapter 2 verse 1 through 6. It says" My son, if you accept my sayings and treasure up my commandments,

Since menopause I have suffered with bouts of depression - nothing severe - I just have a hard time experiencing the joys of life as much as I used to. But one thing that always helps to chase away the blues is dancing to Disney Movie Tunes with my 4 year old grandson Michael. One of his favorite songs is "The Bear Necessities" from Jungle Book. His antics (like scratching his back against the wall and finding pretend ants under the couch pillows)make me laugh. And the grey clouds in my mind blow away when he turns to me and says "Gramma, we are having so much fun, aren't we!"

Recently, I've felt much inspiration and joy from seeing flocks of small birds flying around in the countryside. I think it's because they look so wild and free while darting around in the sky. Brings a big smile to my face :)

What really lifts up my spirits is watching heartwarming videos of rescued pups and other animals getting a new lease onlife.

I try to reflect everyday on the positive about that day and thank God for his grace. Even on the hardest, worst days there is always something to be thankful for and then the most important thing is to pray for those that are less fortunate and maybe struggling with illness or some other difficulties.

There is a passage in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:4, that is often read at weddings. "love is patient and kind... Love does not demand it's own way.... Is not irritable... Doesn't keep track of wrongs..." I find it helpful to think of this passage but substituting my own name. So: "Sarah is patient and kind... Sarah is not easily irritated....Sarah dooesn't keep score of wrongs done against her" and so forth. Thinking on just one or two of these a day helps me let things go, remember to be patient, try to be kind.

I practice Qigong every morning at sunrise. It grounds me, lifts my spirit and fills me with energy. I then find myself with so much gratitude for this life I have been given.

My grandchildren live in Dubai and I, in Canada. I am always rejuvenated and renewed after having Skyped with them. To be able to see their day to day life activities and antics is fulfilling and I feel I am still a part of their daily lives even though I live so far away. It makes our reunions every summer seamless. There is no get to know time because they know Nano, even the first visit back to Canada was great since I was seeing my grandson at the age of 6 months and they had moved right after his birth.

The true meaning of Christmas sadly has been lost in context... It's not about gifts, it is about family/friends and spiritually if that's your belief system. I love your site and products. And how sincere you are about helping people in general... And it's not about the profits! God bless you and your families! Sincerely, Jim Price

My method of feeling fulfillment is by solving the ever present problem of food pleasure vs. nutrition. Food is often linked to times of celebration and joy but too often is connected to the resulting effects of making a poor choice. My wife and I "splurge" occasionally by enjoying a private meal at a particular restaurant where we can have a meal that is ultimately satisfying but does not entail regret; instead, we feel empowered and uplifted while enjoying a nutritional high. This is one reason I have remained a Dr Kim subscriber for so long because your recipe posts express that same feeling of finding joy through nutritious choices. A healthy body is a peaceful one.

To be in nature while spending time with my dogs always elevates my spirit. I just love watching them exploring and sniffing out all the smells. Brings joy to my heart!

I work at a Primary School pre-k thru 2nd. About 7 years ago I entered one of the classrooms and noticed that the teacher was having a hard day. I told her that it looked like she needed a hug. The tradition was started, we have hugged everyday since then. I have added a few other special friends to my hugging club. You can feel the transfer of energy and love with each embrace. To me that's what it's all about. Peace and hugs to all.

Hi Dr. Kim, I wanted to share what I do for the Holiday Season to elevate my spirit. Over the years it has changed,from the material things giving me joy, now as I am older my fulfillment is found instead with the time spent with family and friends. This time elevates me. The hugs, laughter and memories shared builds my spirit.

Happy Holidays everyone! May you have all that you deem important in your life. Pam

To lift my spirits I smile at strangers and engage anyone who looks lost or lonely in a brief light hearted conversation or simply listen to what they have to share.

I like to begin each day by spending time with God feeding my Spirit. Listening to my favorite ministers, reading my Bible, and prayer are very uplifting.

When things sometimes become overwhelming, or when I just need to be still and recoup, I play Praise music, particularly one called On Eagle's Wings, and another one called Lead Me Lord.

Have a wonderful Christmas and all the best for the coming New Year!

I feel fulfilled and content while baking cookies with my children and grandchildren using my grandmother's 100 year-old red-handled rolling pin. I feel a strong connection to the past and feel hope for the future.

I visit with the patients at the nursing home near my home to to elevate my spirit.

As a Christian I will always acknowledge that my peace and joy come from God. Nothing on earth can compare to the peace Jesus gives. As far as relaxing activities, I have always found interacting with and petting my dogs to be relaxing and stress relieving.

I begin to uplift my spirit by first changing my physical atmosphere. Open the blinds to let light in, put on praise music, sing, dance, and talk with the Lord. Entering into His presence fills my spirit with joy!

My position at my hospital has changed. (I have been an LPN for 25 years). Previously I had a team of patients but now I have the role of Nurse Leader; I round on all our patients and note the good and the bad and of course turn this in to my manager. Our floor has really improved! I am also able to step in and help my fellow nurses who are SO BUSY. This has been such a blessing to me and my floor (and our patients). A big plus is the flexibility of my hours.

And your newsletter, Dr. Kim is a blessing. I share your website with some of my patients.

To lift my spirit.......I simply look out the window. There is always something to be seen that will lift my spirit. A couple of mourning doves basking in the sun, a bud on a tree working its way to burst into a leaf, a chipmunk peaking out from under a plant, a leaf blowing and falling like a snowflake, a child riding his/her bike down the street. All these things and more by simply looking out my window.......

My position at my hospital has changed. (I have been an LPN for 25 years). Previously I had a team of patients but now I have the role of Nurse Leader; I round on all our patients and note the good and the bad and of course turn this in to my manager. Our floor has really improved! I am also able to step in and help my fellow nurses who are SO BUSY. This has been such a blessing to me and my floor (and our patients). A big plus is the flexibility of my hours.

And your newsletter, Dr. Kim is a blessing. I share your website with some of my patients.

I have found over the last 3 months that my spirt has been greatly elevated
by staying of all kinds of sugar and
staying off ALL processed foods.
I am a way happier person my family has noticed it also.

Being in nature near any water elevates my spirit. Helping others in any way also elevates. Thank you and blessings Dr. Kim to you and your family for all you do.

I find peace in singing. It has taken me 15 years to realize it! Whether I am rehearsing or on stage, my mind is clear, I focus on nourishing breaths, and I am free of any physical or mental stressors. In a way, singing is my yoga. And having that place of peace grounds me and helps me to be a better friend, mother, and wife :)
~ Cristy

Put others first and always lend a helping hand.

In the morning I like to "center" myself, remember my core beliefs and practice being in my "being" not in my ego. I like to work in the yard, in the dirt, in nature, gardening. I like to read books that center me. I like to meditate, as much as possible, would like to everyday in the future. At night I like to dim myself, to slow down, so that my mind, body, and spirit know it is time to rest. My biggest spiritual lift is practicing gratitude and sitting quietly thinking of all the people and things of which I am grateful. Life is good.

Praying and snuggling with my cats always helps me feel at peace

When I am driving with my young boys, I often find myself tense and tightly-wound. If I am fortunate to become aware of this, I will look up at the sky (or gaze across a field if we are on the outskirts of town) and I feel an instant pressure release. Taking a deep breath and feeling small against those expanses really brings peace to me. I feel relaxed just thinking about it now!

It elevates my spirit to know God sent his Son to save us.

I saddle up my wonderful palomino quarter horse and head out for a trail ride through the woods, cantering across fields & crossing creeks but also stopping occasionally to soak in the sights & sounds that surround us . What a spiritual release !

My morning prayer time, reading God's word and getting to spend the morning with my son.

A walk in nature, the sounds of birds, the colors of the leaves. Nature is simply amazing.

When I get to work each day, I smile and say, "Good morning. How are you today?" to each person I see. If we spoke about something the day before, I ask them about it. The smiles I get in return really start my day out right. Everyone likes knowing someone cares, or even listens to them when they talk.

I am 77 yrs. old and lost my husband one year ago. Since that time, I have had to pack up a large home and down-size to a new neighborhood in which I have no history. It has been difficult but the people here have been wonderful. It's hard to determine just one thing that has brought comfort and peace and elevated my spirit during this last year. Aside from keeping in touch with my large family--9 children, 45 grandchildren, and 29 great-grandchildren--I turn to my piano for solace. I find great comfort in playing classical and religious music when my spirits sag, even in the middle of the night when sleep is evasive. Thank you for your uplifting blogs and counsel.

Sometimes I just tell the universe out loud ."Thank you".

I LOVE THAT THOUGHT!!! Great ...a simple reminder of a simply great thing to do.

When I need my spirit lifted, I head to the hills. I live at the base of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and it is a short drive or a long hike into bliss. The serenity and simplicity of the mountains grounds me and elevates me all in the same breath. I get to pray and praise, which brings life to my soul and spirit... and my body doesn't mind it either!!!

With my Daughter and two Grandchildren (ages 6 and 18 months) living in our household, I can admit to more than my share of fatigue, so in order bring me back to a good phase of spiritual freedom, I go to a quiet place, take a few very deep breaths and think of my creator's strength and guidance. It works most of the time fortunately.

I pray for myself and others to be cured of Lyme disease!!

To elevate my spirit I stop, breathe deeply, and just say thank you to life.

When I pray and give thanks to the Lord Jesus, this always lift's my spirit.

Time with my three dogs lifts my spirit. Each impart me with their spirit energy and love.

I make it a habit to do things that keep me feeling good every day.

One of my favorites is simply smiling at strangers or engaging anyone who looks lost or lonely in a brief but fun conversation. Often simply listening to what they have to share is all that's needed to brighten both of our days.

Thank you Dr. Kim for all that you share. From recipes to brief talks about the healing power of unconditional loving. I enjoy your news letter immensely.

A fan,
Lea W.

When I come home from a stressful day at the office I hold and love each one of my two Yorkies for at least a minute each. They love it because they miss me so much and it helps us reconnect after being apart so long.

2 things I do to elevate my spirit; the first is to get outdoors and enjoy nature! This is such a beautiful planet we inhabit! The second is to try to stay in a mindset of gratitude.

I curl up on this big gray bean bag before the sun awakens, hold the word of God close to my chest and in a whisper I ask Him to speak to the lonely places, the unanswered questions, the broken dreams and all the "what nows" racing through my soul. And in the dawns light, I hear the roosters awaken, the birds singing, and His gentle guidance and comfort covers me like a warm soothing oil from the top of my head to my naked toes. He takes me higher... And I soar one glee wings once more. He is the lifter of my countenance :))

Without fail, listening to Celtic woman music, particularly "The Voice" song brings joy and peace to my soul, as well as the lightness of mirth as I ponder the love of God/Jesus for humankind.

Spending time with my kids and making them happy doing something they really want to do makes me happy :)

Being in nature. Spending time with animals. Listening to music.

Thinking about someone else who is in greater need (emotionally>whether lonely, depressed, grieving...or physically>perhaps older and a shut-in like my next-door neighbor, ill, or recuperating from surgery. And then doing something about it...go visit them, take some food/fresh cut flowers, send a card or just make a phone call. It works every time to lift my spirits and get my focus off myself or a gnawing problem!

I pray and speak to God, He holds all of my hope.
Merry Christmas❤

Whenever I need to feel whole I spent time with my children. We laugh and appreciate each other's company. This is the best way I know to start feeling like myself again.

In the morning, I tell myself that I'm going to have a great day and be the best version of me I can be. In the evening, I have some turmeric tea and think about everything I am thankful for and how wonderful life is.

I simply lie completely still on my back, then progressively relax my entire body. One muscle group at time. I do this while getting control of my breathing, and making my breath in sync with my mantra that I use for deep meditation. Once completely relaxed and my mind is calm, the sense of relaxation and highly tuned lack of thoughts is better than 2 hours of sleep, and only takes 30 minutes.

There are different ways to evaluate my spirit,
Going for walk in nature, chanting, meditation, listening to music and my favorite song my P.W.Happy just lift my spirit. There you have it. A merry Christmas to you and your family
Cheryl ?

It's that first deep breath I take when I open the front door and step out into the world each morning! In the winter, the crisp or damp air of the Pacific NW invigorates me and pushes me into my day with eyes wide with anticipation!

I telephone my friend Mary, who is the kindest, smartest, most joyous person I know. Speaking with her never fails to raise my spirits, and the effect is long-lasting. She feels the same about talking with me, so I don't worry that I've taken and not given back.

There are a few things that give me peace and give me fulfillment. I enjoy the company of friends that I can easily open up too and talk freely with out feeling judged. Another thing that I enjoy a lot is reading books toy kids. We all huddle up together and read books right before bedtime. The last thing, is cuddling with my 3 y/o before we go to sleep. The most amazing thing I the world.

Fortunately, I live in a mild climate that sees lots of sunny days. We have a hammock out in our back yard. I'm going through an exceptionally stressful phase of life so I have created what I call my "Sky meditation." I go lay in the hammock, breathe deeply and watch the clouds (and birds) pass by. As each one leaves my field of vision I let my worries, fears and anxieties go with it. I do this until I feel calm and peaceful.

Especially this time of year giving and not asking anything in return. Just standing in the line at the post office striking up a conversation and the lady said I just need three stamps to finish mailing out my cards. I had three stamps and gladly gave them to her. (she offered to pay for them but I refused). How nice it was just to save her some time from standing in line for three stamps. Then going and helping with a children's ministry Christmas party to ring in the Christmas cheer for lower income children who were able to have fun, and receive some awesome blessings. Being a part of giving such blessings is what truly lifts my spirit :) Merry Christmas Dr. Kim to you and your family. Becky :)

We always make a point to eat our evening meal together. Each one of us takes a turn telling everyone the best parts of their day, how they helped someone and what they are grateful for that day. It's nice to see our boys really put thought into it and share positive experiences with us all. This really makes my day-everyday!

I sit quietly every morning and ACCEPT my worlds, inner and outer, happy and sad.

Having a heart of gratefulness. I aim to make a list or speaking things that I'm grateful for on a daily basis.

Previous comment by me did not fit the request! Ok. Elevates my spirit. Cleanliness. Order. i am not a particularly orderly, neat person. I really have to work on this. When I accomplish this it gives my soul rest. Just looking at a clean closet or kitchen or even a clean car does it for me!

Cuddling with my two dogs who give me unlimited love in return.

Every morning I check on my flower bushes, trimmed and removed dried leaves and flowers, admiring the flowers and collect the trash then go for a walk around neighborhood and I am ready to start my day.

Everyday I try to go to the park and walk a couple of miles. Each day I say thank you for the beauty of the area, my good health, and for the wonderful people I meet. I also feel so lucky that many of these folks share their wonderful pets with me. When I am done walking, I always make it to the library where I meet more wonderful folks. I bring my magazines and leave them so that someone else may enjoy them and I get to enjoy other magazines that folks leave. And the best is when I visit mom in assisted living and make the residents feel special by talking to each one and saying their names and asking how they are doing. It never fails to make them smile. Bottom line, gratitude is the secret.

What I do to lift my Spirit is remember the comment of an African-American neighbor who told me that when it came to other people I was color blind.

My daily yoga practice brings me peace.

I walk the dogs at the Humane Society.

I listen to wonderful music on you tube and meditations.

I run a dog rescue for the senior dogs, the old, sick dogs that people dump at kill shelters when they are no longer wanted because of their age and health. Saving the lives of these old souls and watching them as they start new lives with new families elevates my spirit. Knowing that I am giving a "discarded" animal a 2nd chance and providing a human with a new companion and family member is a definite "high".

In the morning when all is calm I set and drink a tall glass of water as I open my heart to the new day.I feel a deep loving connection in my life when I become aware of my blessings.

Feeling gratitude for what we have :
1. that we have healthy children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Having volunteered at children's hospitals in Connecticut and Wisconsin I am aware of the problems that can afflict new borns and that we should be grateful for normality;'
2. that our grandparents came to this country whenthey did
3. That we have been blessed with the characteristics of self discipline and deferred gratification that has enabled us to save and invest and as a result have enough funds for a comfortable retirement
4.That we have good relations with our children and children by marraige.

I pray.

I like to do something creative, like a poem or picture, that I can show to others that uplifts their spirits in some way.

Choosing to see all the wonder things I can be grateful for, even during a crisis, lifts my spirit. It's hard to stay down when faced with stressful situations if you realize you don't have to accept every thought of fear, inconvenience, or problem-focused thinking in your head! I choose to see all the wonderful things God has blessed me with, even while processing emotional pain. That's where peace comes in.

When I get up an hour earlier than I need it gives me time to spend with myself in the quiet. I meditate for at least 15 minutes, read a little, and stretch out my body some. This always seems to make my day go better. I realize it most when I don't get to spend that time.

I often enjoy going far into the forest with my partner and our dog, where no houses or buildings are visible, just the trees and the sky. We climb the trees, balance on logs, run through the trails, laugh, and we always leave with our spirit feeling elevated and mind-body refreshed.

As I fall asleep each night I envision love and light beaming down on my family and also on anyone in my life who is having a difficult time with health, loss or other challenges. I picture them full of light to help them on their journeys.

I do the things I love to do like rock climb and snowboard. The mountain is my church.

I tell someone I love them.

"There is only one heart in my body,
have mercy." -Franz Wright

When I return home from work and open the door; my 15 month old comes running with a big smile, her little hands up in the air and calls out "Mom! Mom! Mom!". I often would run up to her and embrace her with a big hug. My spirit simply soars. It doesn't matter what I've had to deal with at work or in the drive home. I look forward to hugging my baby everyday upon returning home. Its the best and I am deeply grateful to God for blessing me with the gift of being a mom. Merry Christmas to you and yours. :-)

I realize how blessed I have been. With all the obstacles in my life I realize all that I have been able to do in the last 5 years. Instead of complaining that I got diabetes I now look at what I have accomplished of getting off Asthmas meds/allergy meds, been off insulin for the last two years. That I have a loving husbands of 43 years who supports me. Great grand kids. I look at the positives in my life that is what keeps me going. the most important things in life is health and family not material things.

Five mornings a week,I walk two miles to a natural mineral spring with two five gallon pails.Upon arriving,I fill both buckets with mineral water and walk two miles back[34.5lbs.each].Not only do those endorphins kick in,I get an outstanding workout,allowing me to sleep like a baby,not an easy feat at 64 years young!Have wonderful holidays!!

That is an amazing feat!! I can barely lift one of those jugs with both hands and walk FIVE FEET! I'm impressed. But I have to say, that is one tip I will not be incorporating. :)

Going to church, spending time with my close family, yoga classes and good music in general (one of the top is The Lonely Shepherd - James Last played by Gheorghe Zamfir).

Top lifter is time with God having a conversation. This happens best in the early morning Bible and journal in hand. Going for a quiet walk in the woods in the morning is tops too.

Just meditating on the Greatness of God and His provisions for us through Jesus Christ is extremely uplifting. Realizing that no matter what state I'm in, I can trust Him completely to be with me and see me through as He has promised in His Word. Depending on the situation, sometimes it also helps to think of someone who is "worse off" than I, (and there's always someone); and that makes me extremely thankful for all that I have and and all that He has done for me. Our God is so Awesome!

I listen to all kinds of music all day long.
When I listen to music I dance and bop to the beat and it makes me feel great!

As a speech-language specialist in an elementary school, it's the moment when a student "gets it." It could be that ever so difficult /r/ sound, understanding an idiom or a stutterer becoming more fluent. Whatever it is, it makes my heart soar!

My garden is such a special place for me. Whenever I spend even a few minutes there, weeding, admiring the plants, harvesting food or herbs, I always feel the beauty and nurturing power of nature. It uplifts me every time!

I like to take a walk outside in the fresh air. Even a short walk will raise my spirits.

I pray, usually with the Divine Office.

I bake and cook for family and friends. I love it when my house smells of baked goods and traditionsl foods for the holidays. It gives me a feeling of peace and takes me back to my childhood.

I sing praises to the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS Jesus CHrist!! I also speak and profess HIS WORD the bible out loud!!!

To keep my spirits lifted I make sure I am focusing on being in the moment when I am with my son. To watch him play, run, climb, dig, share his snacks, read favorite books, etc. I want to make sure I soak up all of that precious time while he is only just 2 yrs old. He is truly what makes my life so full of spirit. I thank the universe every day that I was chosen to be his mom. What an incredible privilege. Happy holidays.

I have sung in a Barbershop Chorus for 40 years and still look forward to the practice every week!

I sing praises to the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS Jesus Christ!! I also speak and profess His HOLy Word the BIBle out loud!!

Spending time with my wonderful 6 months old granddaughter Somara,watching her explore the world.

I lift my spirit by practicing thankfulness. I always make a point to observe everything in and around me I can be thankful for. Look for silver linings, lessons, and beauty.

I spend time with my adult son. He experiences multiple disabilities and yet is the happiest most peace-filled person I know. Truly an "old soul". Being with him makes me slow down and see the world with joy and wonder. He is such a good teacher.

I set the Christmas table with four place settings for my beloved family - my mom, dad, and brother- who have all passed away.
I bring out the special china, silver and glassware. Just looking at it every day makes me grateful that I had such a loving family and it gives me joy and comfort as I remember them

My daily bus rides, a chore to many but a wonderful experience to be with people whom I normally don't interact with when I go to work or drive.. Why? I smile inside for their spontaneous remarks, unrehearsed nature, the unexpected generosity of riders who have so little yet so much to share, the unexpected look of a kid when we fumble in our bags to get the change for him so he does not have to get off the bus, thanking us a million times, a trembling old lady with a walker trying to reach a store for a sale item for the grandchild, a bus driver who looks for you at a poor lit bus stop....No need to empty my mind. I just fill it up with serendipity.

I sit with our 2 dogs and 2 cats (all rescues) and it's all I need to realize most things that are occurring are minimal in the big picture of life. Their happy faces remind me how lucky I am to have the wonderful life I share with them.

What elevates my spirit is playing with my dog. She loves me no matter what and she is funny.

All of the above things you mentioned lifts my spirit, but when I pray/meditate and focus on my many blessings, there is no greater feeling.

"The Sun". I absolutely Love to feel the sun shining down on me. I kid you not, my total body relaxes under the power of the sun. When the Sun hit my head and face it goes downward and literally relaxes every muscle and bone in my body. Mind Soul and Spirit. I Love The Sun!

Rotating through my list of eight distantly located grandchildren (6-11), I focus on one of them each week as grandchild-of-the-week. As I try to remember myself at that child’s particular age, I write a letter. What was important? What were my worries? What brought me happiness and joy? What were my challenges? After addressing these, I tell them about interesting things from my life that might make a child laugh or shiver. Recently, my little Yorkie were stalked on our pre-dawn walk by a pack of coyotes. Dramatically, I related that story. I also include a silly children’s joke or riddle, new fruit trees in my garden, spiritual experiences, and new yummy recipes I invent, too Then I spend some time on Amazon choosing a book or perhaps an educational toy I hope they will enjoy. Although I only get a quick text now and again in return, I don't do it to get something. I do to let them know they are loved. This elevates my spirit.

Getting my toes in the sand...a nice walk along the ocean's edge :)

I introduced insanity keep fit dvd into my keep fit regime last year and not only do I feel as fit as a butchers dog but I know I can have just about eat what I like without putting on weight such a feel good life never mind a moment x suzanne

I love to walk barefooted on the beach. The sound of the surf, beach combing and watching my dog run after the birds is so peaceful and uplifting!

What elevates my spirit? Listening, REALLY listening, to a beautiful and inspiring piece of music. Beethoven's Ode to Joy and his 7th Symphony come to mind, though there are many other pieces in countless genres. These days, we can have any music playing at any time. It is often just background noise. But if I stop doing other things and concentrate on the music, everything else just washes away. When the music ends, I have a new perspective.

I burn incense and play solfeggio frequencies and binaural beats.

Walk in nature, barefoot when possible.

Many things....meditating on what I'm blessed with and thankful for, my kitties, my family, prayer, and being in nature.

My dad lives in Cleveland and I am in Honolulu. I was blessed to be able to go home to spend his 90th birthday with him in October. We had a special birthday party for him at a very special restaurant. We visited with friends and family and were on the go the whole two weeks. What made it extra special is that I know that my dad will not be with me forever; so I am treasuring every moment that I have to spend time with him and to talk with him on the phone. My dad was wounded in Europe during WWII. He put his life on the line for our freedom and he will always be a hero to me.

Doing something for someone else always seems to lift my spirit.
It's "good medicine"

Giving. My father always avoided the bell-ringers at this time of year and it makes me feel good to march right up with a cheery greeting and eye-contact as I contribute with a happy heart.

Being able to show The Father's love to another lifts my spirit. (Random Acts of Kindness) It always leaves me with a warm glow that can be remembered when my spirit seems to sag.

My cat sleeps on top of and to the side of my head, with his cheek pressed against mine while purring loudly, I am always humbled and amazed to be loved so much by another species!

What lifts my spirit is getting outside and becoming one with the spirit of nature. And if there is a barn full of horses it lifts even more! That's where I feel most complete. Seeing my grand-daughter does a good job too!

I spend time one on one with one of my grandchildren. Especially a few hours getting inside the head of my year and a half old grandson. He eventually wants a nap in grandma's arms. There heart to heart I am grounded, loved, trusted. That is peace to me.

I thank God and the angels for another day, and send prayers of love and health to myself family (including pets) and friends. I ask for peace.
Then I pet a cat.

I take a walk and think of the things I am grateful for.

I visit the river, sit on the bank, listen to the babbling of the water as it tumbles past the stones underneath. As I quiet my mind, I draw out whatever may be troubling me that day/week/month/year and toss those worries into the rushing water. The river flows to me and rolls away again taking my worries with it. Then I thank God for all that He has provided for me, including the river, find a small pretty rock to bring home as a reminder of my time with Spirit.

I walk along the boardwalk at the beach on the north end of Lake Ontario. Even when cold and brisk it is very invigorating and makes you feel so upbeat and Fresh and free

What elevates my spirit is when I take my dog for a bush walk next to a creek. The natural environment around me, and the sound of running water from the creek is very relaxing and yet still exercise for my body.

I work in a stressful environment, so I'll step away from my desk and take several deep breaths and on exhale concentrate on the letters of the word RELAX...just feel your shoulders drop...all that weight lifted. I also have recently in the past year discovered acupuncture. This also helps relax, lift the spirit and heal the body

Being near the ocean or mountains elevates my spirit. Enjoying the little things in life as beauty is everywhere. Also spending time with animals and meditation.

Nothing elevates my Spirit more than time spent with my 3 year old granddaughter! Her joy in life and the purity of her love is so uplifting and such an example of trusting God "as a little child". What a blessing to be able to experience being a grandmother! I just shared with my daughter today how much I loved spending time with my own grandmother as a child and I knew that she loved spending time with me. It is a legacy I hope to pass on. As someone who experienced cancer 14 years ago, I do not take this privilege for granted. Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow!

I feel at peace when my dog - whom we rescued when she was 6 weeks old - lays down beside me and rests her head on my lap.

Without fail, when I need to elevate my spirit, I simply have to sit and meditate for at least 20 minutes focusing on my third eye, on a mantra that brings me closer to God/Spirit and on my Guruji, Paramahansa Yogananda.

Thank you for posting this on your blog as I do not use Facebook : ). It has been uplifting to read everyone's comments as well!

The minute I see my beautiful 8 mo. old granddaughter's smile, I completely forget about anything bumming me out. She was born on my birthday, and I know we are kindred spirits. She truly does complete me, and I love her so much!

Journaling is what brings me calm.

I have this written out on my wall of inspirational quotes and really centers me every day :D

Equanimity: the quality of remaining calm and undisturbed, evenness of mind or temper, composure: calm!

I find it very uplifting to help someone in some kind of way each day, no matter what it is, or where I'm at. Maybe helping someone put their groceries in the car, or when they are finished, taking their cart back, or giving someone a ride when it's raining, or a jump start to their car. When someone is lost, pointing them in the right direction. Sometimes when people are short a little bit with their groceries, put in that few extra cents for them , so they don't have to put it back.Little things like that,seem to make a big difference in people. People smile more when something like that happens. Bruce-ps--It's nice to see someones face light up.

It elevates my spirit to go for an early morning walk before breakfast and when the day is just arriving. Sights and sounds, even familiar ones, seem new in the morning. I arrive back home to have my cup of coffee, feeling like I've already communicated with nature, and done something good for my mind and my body. I then have the spirit to tackle anything!

Jesus Christ truly ,truly elevates my spirit ,soul and life !!!:)

I listen to encouraging, interesting programs on CBC radio while knitting my latest project.

Several things come to mind...
One being having a real heart to heart with Jesus about all my struggles and remembering the greatest struggle He went through for me!
Also, gathering for dinner when husband and all 3 children are home and sharing about our day.
Lastly, enjoying a great sweat in my sauna while watching the Andy Griffith show for a good laugh. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.."

Looking up - whether it's at the sky in all its many forms or a ceiling of where I am - the act of looking up and breathing deeply changes my point of view and makes me feel happy and free. I lead chair yoga classes with an Alzheimer day care center : we always look up and speak of how you cannot frown while looking up!

Ten years ago when my mother turned 90 and I was visiting her in Vancouver, I sang songs from a bathtub collection of songs with her.
It was such fun and gave both of us a great deal of pleasure.
As a way to stay in touch with her and this memory, I began singing in the senior homes near me in Pointe Claire, Quebec. I printed BIG type books, recorded the likes of Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra and Perry Como, and encouraged the seniors to sing songs of their era.
It brings such joy to them and me. Now I take these same songs back to my Mom. She is my inspiration. We just sang together on her last birthday.
She just turned 100!

Many activities elevate my spirit -- walking at the ocean at sunset, playing with the office dog, Olive, getting my hair cut :-) -- yet the most magnificent elevator of my spirit is when I read the writings of the great saints! Their words help me shake off my seriousness over small life matters and realign my moral compass.

I have really never thought about my spirit being elevated, but I think I know what you mean. My spirit is the part of me that will live after my body no longer functions on this earth. The Bible says that Christ's spirit lives within me, because I have asked Him to be my Saviour. I read my Bible to be renewed each time. I pray for God to guide me with His infinite wisdom and love for others. My spirit is the part of me that realizes that I should put the needs of others before my own, as part of a larger plan which God has. Sometimes, I provide a nutritious meal for a family who is elderly, or has a dying family member. Sometimes I give money to someone who is in need. Sometimes I visit and assist a family member. God wants us to follow His plan for our life, because He sees everything and wants us to trust Him for His plans for our life. This makes much of Christ and His sacrifice for us. This is the way I receive nourishment, spiritually.

Singing elevates my spirit!

I'm elevated by the knowledge that God loves me. When I sing praises to Him, that takes me from a low to a high place.

Every morning, no matter the season, my daily routine begins with feeding our dogs and taking them outside first thing in the morning. Each day, I look to the sky, marvel at its colors, and breathe deeply. . .grateful for another day.

I play the piano and improvise!

I love to swim in the aquifer fed's called Barton the middle of Austin. Every time I make the effort to bring myself there, I am so rewarded by Nature's grace. It amazes me that the water flows from miles below in the ground and it has for so many years...feeding all of us with it's magnificent power and beauty. When I jump into the water, I feel such an immediate inner connection and renewal and stress leaves me instantly. I like to say prayers of blessings to all of the spirits that visit the water as I swim and to pray for our collective awakening to Nature's tenderness and vulnerability.

Exercise with classical music calms me like nothing else; appreciating that they are gifts from God deepens my sense of security and well-being.
