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Whole-House Steam Humidifier

For those who tend to have health issues related to living in dry air over winter months, I highly recommend looking into a whole-house steam humidifier. Most entry-level whole-house humidifiers employ a pad that tends to dry out and become ineffective within a year or two. Units that generate actual steam that enters central duct work are more efficient in raising relative humidity to a comfortable level, and are more durable than units that use humidifier pads.

This is a unit by Aprilaire that I've been happy with:

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Installation of this unit is best done by a licensed professional, as there is plumbing and electrical work involved.

For those who have a whole-house water filter that removes chlorine, it's ideal to use filtered water to supply any whole-house steam humidifier. We have a water softening system that softens and filters our water supply at the same time, an ideal setup for those who are sensitive to breathing in chlorine while showering.


For those who live in smaller spaces, a stand-alone unit that requires no assembly will suffice, something like this unit:

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