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Most Useful Health Tips from 2007

Since some of our regular visitors rely on news feeds rather than our newsletter to receive updates, I thought it might be useful to post my latest newsletter here; it's a look back at the most useful articles that were published on this site in 2007. Enjoy!


Dr. Ben Kim's Natural Health Newsletter
December 24, 2007

Dear Reader,

I hope that this newsletter finds you in good spirits and looking forward to a warm and love-filled holiday season.

Today's issue provides a look back at the most useful articles that were published on our Web site in 2007. Without further ado, here's the list:

Most Important Steps for Health Recovery & Maintenance

How to Protect Your Health Against Toxic Behavior

How to Prevent Osteoporosis

What Most Doctors Won't Tell You About Colds & Flus

Healthy Foods that Promote Deep Sleep

How to Protect Your Health In The Computer Era

How to Overcome Chronic Fear and Anxiety

Understanding and Overcoming Chronic Depression

How to Prevent Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

Why Frequent Blinking is Essential for Healthy Eyes and Optimal Vision

And here's a look back at the most important health warnings that were published on our site in 2007:

Must-See Video On Vaccination Dangers

Burning Incense Releases Cancer-Causing Chemicals

Warning on Microwave Buttered Popcorn, and How to Make Healthy Popcorn

Finally, here is a review of the two superfoods that we added to our natural health shop this past year:

Authentic Tibetan Goji Berries - One of Nature's Most Nutritious Fruits

Raw Organic Chocolate - One of the Best Foods for a Healthy Cardiovascular System

It truly boggles my mind that 2007 is just about over. I don't know about you, but since I hit my 30's, I've felt as though every year has passed more quickly than previous ones.

Let's continue to slurp the marrow out of life in 2008 and strive to make our respective pixels of this world peaceful, shall we?

Here's to a safe, meaningful, and surprise-filled new year for all of us...

Ben Kim


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