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Eight Things That I Know For Sure

One of my wife's favourite pastimes is to read Oprah Magazine at the kitchen table while sipping on a mug of hot tea. We actually go to the library once every couple of weeks to borrow a few issues of Oprah Magazine to have for this purpose.

From time to time, I like to flip through these magazines as well. I like some of Dr. Phil's advice on relationships, as well as Suze Orman's financial guidance.

But my favourite part of O magazine is a section entitled "What I Know For Sure." It's written by Oprah herself, and usually contains a thought or two that inspires me in some way.

I thought that to end 2005, I would share a few things that I know for sure. Things that I've come to learn or believe since I left home at the age of 20 and really started to live my own life, make my own mistakes, and make mindful choices about the way that I live my life.

So here they are, in no particular order, eight things that I know for sure:

1. If I want to be loved by someone other than my parents, I must first be trustworthy.

2. When I speak poorly about another person, it's usually because I'm hurt or jealous.

3. It's best not to talk too much.

4. It's easy to talk about world issues when you can take a shower every day and eat whatever you want.

5. There's nothing more beautiful than a sleeping, smiling or laughing baby, especially if it's your own.

6. It's popular to say that it's not right to judge others. The truth is, in order to survive and do good works in this world, it's absolutely necessary to judge others at all times.

7. The only person in this world who I can change is myself.

8. Titanic was a darn good movie.

Well, that's my list. Is there anything that you know for sure? Please feel free to share in the comments section that follows.


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