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The Last Time You Were Astounded?


The other day, a close friend asked me to recall a time when I was astounded by an unexpected event. Read more


Same Sky, Different World


One of the joys of spending time in Korea this past year was getting to know people like the barber I visited monthly. In sharing life stories, I was genuinely surprised by her fascination with my mindset as a dad. Read more


If You Drink Coffee


Originally posted on May 13, 2019

Dear Dr. Kim:

For years I had the impression that coffee was not a good beverage for people due to its caffeine content. Read more


Pleasure In Another's Misfortune


Schadenfreude is a German word that refers to the human capacity to experience pleasure in another person's suffering. It's an unhealthy form of envy that is highly damaging to the person who feels it. Read more


Cancel All Student Debt?

Originally posted in 2020.

With the transition to a new administration in the US under way, there has been more talk about the potential for all existing student debt in the US to be forgiven. Read more


A Simple Quiz That Reveals Your Natural Strengths


In caring for our health and relationships, I find value in understanding our innate level of happiness and natural strengths.

Dr. Albert Brooks uses a simple 20-question quiz to determine one's natural level of happiness, and what types of personalities mesh well. Read more




Most of us know what we need to do to be healthier. And yet many of us don't follow through on what we know. Why the struggle?

In most cases, our level of dedication to taking care of ourselves is strongly related to the meaning we assign to our existence. Read more


How to Make Rice Porridge


I know that this post will get some members of the food police upset with me, but I continue to find that in some cases, when taken in moderation, cooked white rice can be a health-enhancing food choice. Read more


Life Expectancy Calculator


I've long held the view that it is good to be mindful of the finiteness of our days. In fact, I find value in having in mind the year that I will pass on according to life expectancy calculators - by having an exact year in mind, I'm naturally inclined to make the most of my days. Read more

