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Mobility Exercises

3-Minute Daily Routine For Healthy Shoulders

This is a simple 3-minute routine that I do twice daily to keep my shoulders optimally functional.

Start with your hands overlapped behind your back as high as you can comfortably place them. Gently roll back onto your bed or another comfortable surface. Repeat 5-10 times. Read more


Look Up

Please take a few minutes to watch the following and then unplug and look up. Thank you Gary Turk. Read more


Death Gives Life Meaning | With Alex Honnold

I've been following Alex Honnold for a few years now, always inspired and terrified by his free solo climbing pursuits. Read more


How To Improve Balance And Build Stronger Lower Extremities With A Slant Board

A useful tool for building stronger and healthier lower extremities is a stable slant board.

Standing facing downhill, keep your core strong and upright with your arms in front of you and squat down as low as you comfortably can for multiple repetitions. Read more


How to Get More Out of Pushing Exercises

When doing pushing exercises like push-ups or dips, you can improve shoulder health and function by taking your upper body as low as possible during each repetition. When doing this with push-ups, you can use stable yoga blocks or parallette bars at varying heights to allow for greater range of motion and development of end-range strength. Read more


Integrating Lower Body, Core, and Upper Body Strength

To integrate lower body, core, and upper body strength, I like doing various jerks and presses with a kettlebell. If you don't have a kettlebell or dumbbell, you can use anything that you can comfortably hold in one hand like a can of soup. Read more


Modified Front Lunge Squat for Healthier & Stronger Knees

For healthier knees, it's often helpful to do lunge squats where you take the front knee out beyond the plane of the same-side foot. The idea is to increase end-range strength, which promotes healthy blood circulation through the ligaments in and around the knees. Read more


Exercises For Stiff Wrists and Fingers

This is a close-up look at a simple routine you can do daily to keep your fingers, wrists, and elbows healthy.

If you have any questions, please use the comments section below the video at our YouTube channel:

I hope you find this routine helpful! Read more




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